Investment Strategy Network

Our Investment
Management Solutions

Manager Research and Due Diligence

Our dedicated manager research team maintains a network of over 100 top-tier investment managers, offering you and your clients consistent sourcing of high-quality strategies and products. We follow a rigorous process to identify and provide ongoing oversight of the curated list of managers we include in our network of investment strategies. The investment team further evaluates managers to ensure optimal portfolio diversification. We are constantly sourcing new managers to provide you with best-in-class investment ideas.

Efficient Portfolio Management
with the Optimal Investment Structure

Our strategic asset allocation serves as the foundation for market exposure over the long term. Based on market conditions, we allocate to major asset classes, including equities, fixed income, and alternative assets. Within those asset classes, our investment team selects from a wide array of strategies and investment options.


Utilize a Variety of Investment Vehicles

Our platform provides access to strategies across a full range of account types and investment vehicles, including Unified Managed Accounts, Separately Managed Accounts, mutual funds, ETFs, and limited partnerships.

Unified Managed Accounts (“UMAs”)

Mount Yale’s UMA platform offers access to leading equity strategists through a diversified, tax–aware, multi–asset portfolio within a single account, whose contents are designed to meet specific investment needs. Our platform can consolidate a variety of vehicles, including model portfolios from third-party managers and strategists, individual securities, partnership interests, ETFs, and mutual funds.

  • Third-party strategists
    Third-party strategists specialize in different asset classes and send trading signals, allowing investors to directly own the underlying securities while benefiting from professional management.
  • Mutual Funds
    Mutual funds offer the potential to deliver alpha with high liquidity and low investment minimums. We seek to identify the most compelling traditional and “liquid alternative” mutual fund managers.
  • Exchange Traded Funds ("ETFs")
    ETFs can provide low-cost exposure to market segments where active management is less advantageous.

Separately Managed Accounts (“SMAs”)

Separately managed accounts offer investors the opportunity to receive professional investment management while directly owning the underlying securities, allowing for high levels of customization, transparency and tax efficiency.

Limited Partnerships (“LPs”)

Limited partnership investments provide the opportunity to capture the illiquidity premium and capitalize on inefficiencies in the private markets. With over twenty years of experience performing due diligence on LP investments, we have the industry relationships necessary to source the most sought-after managers.

Contact our team today to learn more about our
investment advisory resources.